Dr. Jennifer Berman – Sexual Health Expert in Los Angeles

Does Your Weight Affect Your Sex Life? For some women, excess weight causes their self-esteem to plummet and their sex lives to dry up. Yet, they’re in the majority: 68 percent of American women wear a size 12 or above. Dr. Jennifer Berman,talks about how extra weight can affect a woman’s sex life both physically and emotionally One woman,
Drugs That Can Affect Sexual Response  As two of the leading experts in sexual health, Dr. Jennifer Berman identifies the following drugs that can have a large effect on your sexual response. It is recommended that you consult with your physician about alternative drugs available and have less effects on your sexual function. Antihypertensive Agents:  Drug type: Brand names:
I haven’t seen/heard any mention of the connection between breastfeeding and the different types of dysfunction. I have two young children and am nursing both until they self-wean. I read somewhere that nursing releases chemicals that inhibit the mother’s desire and I know that having infants constantly on your breasts changes nipple sensitivity, but I haven’t heard the Berman’s