Noted Fitness/Nutrition Expert JJ Virgin Will Write Articles, Blog for Vibrance Sites

Vibrance Associates Welcomes JJ Virgin, View video here.

JJ Virgin, one of the nation’s foremost fitness and nutrition experts, is joining Vibrance Associates sites and sharing her articles and expertise. Her 25 years in the health and fitness industry, the past 10 in holistic nutrition and functional medicine, have earned JJ recognition as the go- to weight loss expert who can unlock the door to lifelong weight management through her sensible, no- fail approach to nutrition and fitness. She will write articles for our sites, participate on our forums where she will respond to your questions and ideas and share her blogs.

Update on the Female Condom

A less expensive version of the female condom (FC) was recently approved by the FDA. Will this increase the use of this contraceptive form, which offers several important benefits for women? Male condoms have played an important role in global HIV prevention over the past few decades. In recent years, women have become increasingly vulnerable to HIV, especially in highly afflicted sub-Saharan Africa. Since women are not always able to insist on the use of male condoms, there is a great global need for affordable and accessible woman-controlled barrier methods that provide dual protection against unintended pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.