Dr. Jennifer Berman – Sexual Health Expert in Los Angeles

Emotional closeness happens to be a prerequisite to sexual activity for many women. Problems in your relationship, like trust issues, lack of communication/connection, unresolved conflict or arguments, fighting, and ongoing issues can all be causing your women’s sexual health issues and hormone deficiencies as well. However, fear not. Please know that there are actionable steps you can take to
Women’s low sex drive (or loss of libido) is a common problem that affects many women at some point in their life. It’s often linked to relationship issues, like trust issues, lack of communication/connection, unresolved conflict or arguments, fighting. Stress or tiredness, and/or underlying medical problems, such as hormone deficiency, can also be causes for loss of sexual desire
Professional and public interest in female sexual dysfunction has recently been sparked by developments in several areas including the investigation of new drug treatments. Approximately 43 percent of American women suffer from sexual dysfunction–perhaps an actual number as high as 50 million American women. The highest proportion occurs in young women between the ages of 18 and 29. (Study
Below is an interactive 3D model of the clitoris created by French science teacher Philippe Cosentino. The rendering was done according to the sketches and instructions of Odile Fillod, French researcher responsible for developing a life-size, 3D printable model. The importance of understanding the anatomy of the clitoris, its structure and function in relation to female pleasure cannot be
Aside from relieving hot flashes and preventing osteoporosis, estrogen can improve genital Sensation and decrease pain and burning during intercourse. It is recommended that the lowest dosage of estrogen necessary for control of symptoms should be used. With oral estradiol, the usual initial dosage is 0.05-2.0 mg/d, which is then adjusted as needed. Transdermal estrogen is available in patches
Introduction and Objective: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) has been shown to be effective in the treatment of retractable micturition symptoms (InterStim®, Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN). Although the exact mechanism is not understood, therapy is felt to work by stimulating the S3 sacral nerve and modulating bladder function. The sacral plexus also plays an important role in modulating female sexual function